The Top-10 Most Haunted Graveyards in the United States: A Journey into the Supernatural

Graveyards have long fascinated us with their silent tales of the past, providing a tangible link to history and a solemn reminder of life’s transience. In the United States, certain cemeteries stand out not just for their historical significance, but for their eerie reputations and tales of paranormal activity. As Halloween approaches, these haunted graveyards become prime destinations for those seeking a brush with the supernatural. From the spectral hitchhiker of Resurrection Cemetery to the ghostly soldiers of Gettysburg National Cemetery, these burial grounds offer more than just a resting place for the dead—they are portals to the unknown.

1. St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans, Louisiana

St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, established in 1789, is the oldest and most famous cemetery in New Orleans. Known for its distinctive above-ground tombs, it houses notable figures, including voodoo queen Marie Laveau. Her grave is a pilgrimage site for those seeking her supernatural aid, often leaving offerings of candles, coins, and personal items. The cemetery’s narrow pathways and crumbling tombs create an eerie atmosphere, further intensified by tales of ghostly apparitions and unexplained phenomena. Visitors and locals alike report sightings of spectral figures and strange noises, cementing St. Louis Cemetery No. 1’s reputation as a haunted location.

2. Gettysburg National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg National Cemetery is a poignant reminder of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the Civil War’s most brutal confrontations. Dedicated in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln during his Gettysburg Address, it is the final resting place for over 3,500 Union soldiers. The cemetery’s serene landscape contrasts with the numerous reports of ghostly soldiers marching at dusk, phantom cries, and spectral reenactments of battle scenes. These hauntings are believed to be echoes of the immense suffering and loss experienced during the battle, making Gettysburg National Cemetery a focal point for both history enthusiasts and paranormal investigators.

3. Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois

Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, a small, abandoned graveyard in the outskirts of Chicago, is notorious for its eerie atmosphere and paranormal activity. Established in the 1830s, it fell into disrepair over the decades. The cemetery is a hotspot for ghost sightings, including a mysterious “White Lady” who wanders the grounds with an infant in her arms, phantom vehicles appearing and disappearing along the adjacent road, and floating orbs of light. Urban legends and firsthand accounts of strange occurrences make Bachelor’s Grove a compelling destination for those intrigued by the supernatural.

4. Salem Cemetery, Hendrysburg, Ohio

Salem Cemetery in Hendrysburg, Ohio, is steeped in local legend, primarily revolving around the ghost of Louiza Catharine Fox, a young girl murdered by her suitor in 1869. Her spirit is said to haunt her grave and the surrounding area, often appearing as a forlorn figure in white. Visitors report hearing disembodied voices, feeling sudden drops in temperature, and witnessing unexplained lights near her tombstone. The tragic tale of Louiza Catharine Fox and the paranormal activity associated with her resting place draw both historians and ghost hunters to this rural cemetery.

5. Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, Illinois

Resurrection Cemetery, located in Justice, Illinois, is infamous for the legend of Resurrection Mary. This urban legend tells of a young woman who died in the 1930s and is often seen hitchhiking along Archer Avenue. Descriptions of her ghost depict a beautiful blonde in a white dress, who vanishes upon reaching the cemetery gates. Numerous drivers have reported picking up Mary, only to have her disappear from their vehicles. The story of Resurrection Mary has become a cultural fixture, and the cemetery is a popular site for paranormal enthusiasts hoping to catch a glimpse of this spectral hitchhiker.

6. Howard Street Cemetery, Salem, Massachusetts

Howard Street Cemetery, one of Salem’s oldest graveyards, dates back to the 17th century and is closely linked to the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Several accused witches are believed to have been executed nearby, and their spirits reportedly haunt the cemetery. Visitors have claimed to see shadowy figures, hear eerie whispers, and feel a chilling presence. The cemetery’s ancient headstones, many weathered and broken, add to its spooky ambiance. Howard Street Cemetery is a significant stop on Salem’s ghost tours, offering a tangible connection to the town’s haunted past.

7. Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville, Tennessee

Old Gray Cemetery, established in 1850, is a historic Victorian graveyard known for its elaborate monuments and haunting beauty. It is named after poet Thomas Gray, author of “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.” The cemetery’s lush, overgrown pathways and weathered statues create an eerie setting that has inspired numerous ghost stories. Visitors often report sightings of ghostly figures, mysterious lights, and sudden cold spots. The tales of paranormal activity, combined with the cemetery’s historical significance, make Old Gray Cemetery a fascinating destination for those interested in Knoxville’s haunted history.

8. Westminster Hall and Burying Ground, Baltimore, Maryland

Westminster Hall and Burying Ground, founded in 1786, is renowned as the final resting place of Edgar Allan Poe. This historic cemetery is steeped in macabre lore, befitting Poe’s legacy. Visitors report sightings of Poe’s ghost, particularly near his grave, as well as other spectral figures and strange occurrences. The burial ground’s Gothic architecture and ancient tombstones contribute to its eerie atmosphere. Special events and tours held around Halloween often highlight the haunted history of Westminster Hall, making it a key attraction for those seeking a brush with the supernatural.

9. Springdale Cemetery, Peoria, Illinois

Springdale Cemetery, one of Illinois’ oldest and largest cemeteries, spans over 200 acres and is known for its scenic beauty and historic significance. The cemetery’s Victorian-era mausoleums and statues provide an evocative backdrop for ghost stories. Visitors have reported ghostly apparitions, mysterious lights, and the feeling of being watched. The most famous legend involves the mausoleum of Julius Forstman, where people claim to see his spirit wandering. Springdale’s combination of natural beauty and haunted history attracts both daytime visitors and nighttime ghost hunters.

10. Mission San Xavier del Bac Cemetery, Tucson, Arizona

The cemetery at Mission San Xavier del Bac, part of the “White Dove of the Desert,” is believed to be haunted by the spirits of Native Americans and early Spanish settlers. Established in the late 1700s, the mission is a beautiful example of Spanish colonial architecture. Visitors to the cemetery report seeing ghostly apparitions, hearing chanting, and experiencing unexplained cold spots. The blend of cultural history and paranormal activity makes Mission San Xavier del Bac a compelling site for those interested in Arizona’s haunted heritage.


Exploring these haunted graveyards provides a spine-tingling glimpse into the past, where history and the supernatural intertwine. Each cemetery tells its own story, filled with legends and lore that captivate the imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned ghost hunter or a curious traveler, visiting these haunted sites offers a unique way to experience the eerie side of American history. As Halloween approaches, these graveyards beckon with their haunted tales and ghostly inhabitants, inviting you to step into a world where the past never truly rests and the spirits of history continue to linger.

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Editor of Halloween Living Magazine, and a Detroit, Michigan native. After earning a B.A. in English at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, Ed pursued opportunities in public relations and management that helped mold him personally and professionally, developing his skills in writing and editing, marketing and advertising, public speaking and media relations. As well as broadening his experience in administrative leadership. In addition, he pursued film and special effects makeup programs in both Detroit and Los Angeles and worked on set as a special effects make-up artist. His passion for being a Halloween and horror film “geek” have been a constant throughout his life - cutting his teeth on the extraordinary works of Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, H.P. Lovecraft, and the great Shirley Jackson. His youth was spent hustling through haunted houses, and seeing the latest 70’s & 80’s horror films at the midnight drive-ins and local movie houses. He's also an avid horror film and movie memorabilia collector. One could say, he's autumn over summer. Pumpkins over pineapples. Horror over drama; and wearing black over anything else.